Saturday, June 07, 2008

Have some HASHes with your Shell – HashTab, the File Hash Explorer Shell Extension (a new “Much Have” Shell Extension?) - HashTab Windows Shell Extension


HashTab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called "File Hashes" to the Windows Explorer file properties. The tab contains the MD5, SHA1 and CRC-32 file hashes. These are common hashes that are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of files. Many download sites list the MD5 hash along with the download link. The HashTab makes it very simple for Windows users to check these hashes on any file on the system without using external tools. The screenshot to the right shows an example.


How cool! (And how have I never found this in the past?… ). I mean, WOW, this makes getting a file hash almost too easy. Microsoft, grab this and bake it into Windows 7, please?


The install on my Vista box was smooth and easy (NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, and Vista are all supported.) and the Extension worked the first time with no problems. Works for both local files and those on network shares.


The License page on the installer made me laugh…


This should be more than enough hash variants for about everyone…

image image


(via James Manning's blog - HashTab - easily see the hashes for files)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Microsoft, please buy HashTab from me. I will sell it to you super cheap. It's already globablly tested by billions of people! (I presume)



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