Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Find Thread Deadlock = ACorns.Debugging - The .Net Deadlock Detector

parallelthinking - ACorns.Debugging - The .Net Deadlock Detector

"As nothing exciting has happed in my yard since the last release of Hawkeye I’ve decided to spice up my life and write a new .Net tool: The .Net Deadlock Detector.


The .Net Deadlock Detector

  1. The tool does not require to have the code re-compiled in any way or form, with any external dependencies, nor reference any external library or have you modify your code to use any special type of locks inside your code
  2. It works on release builds with no PDB files
  3. It works on running processes or previously captured memory dumps
  4. It detects deadlocks across multiple threads and returns detailed call-stack and lock usage information
  5. It only detect deadlocks in which threads are actively waiting for locks acquired by other threads
  6. It does not detect the dining philosophers problem or deadlocks created in combination of time waits + wake/check + lock
  7. It has an external dependency on the cdb.exe (part of the the free Debugging Tools for Windows package from Microsoft)
  8. It requires absolutely no installation. It an xcopy deployment
  9. And best of all it’s free (source code to be published soon)


Interesting... As we delve deeper into the Mines of Moria (err... I mean... um... deeper into mines of multithreading... yeah...that... ;) these kinds of tools will become a "must have" in our utility belts.

1 comment:

  1. Debug Inspector is another tool that does this for .net (VS Extension) and Win32 (exe)


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