Sunday, August 24, 2008

NHibernate v2.0 Released (i.e. 2.0 GA)

Ayende @ Rahien - NHibernate 2.0 Final is out!

“Guys, gals and its. I am overjoyed to tell you that NHibernate 2.0 has been released.

You can get it directly from the download page.


NHibernate SourceFouge - NHibernate: 2.0.0.GA is released

“A .NET port of the excellent Java Hibernate ( relational persistence tool.

NHibernate 2.0.0.GA is released today. It is comparable to Hibernate 3.2 in terms of features. 

More information about NHibernate:

Download NHibernate 2.0.0.GA:[Post leached in full]

Hibernate - NHibernate for .NET

“NHibernate is a port of Hibernate Core for Java to the .NET Framework. It handles persisting plain .NET objects to and from an underlying relational database. Given an XML description of your entities and relationships, NHibernate automatically generates SQL for loading and storing the objects. Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code.

NHibernate supports transparent persistence, your object classes don't have to follow a restrictive programming model. Persistent classes do not need to implement any interface or inherit from a special base class. This makes it possible to design the business logic using plain .NET (CLR) objects and object-oriented idiom.

Originally being a port of Hibernate 2.1, the NHibernate API is very similar to that of Hibernate. All Hibernate knowledge and existing Hibernate documentation is therefore directly applicable to NHibernate. Take a look at the available NHibernate Documentation.


I’ve not used an ORM (yeah, yeah, I know…), but NHibernate is mentioned so often in the same sentence as “ORM” that I think it’s only a matter of time before I do.

(via The Code Bucket - NHibernate 2.0 Release!!)


Related Past Post XRef:
How to gain ORM and influence databases – NHibernate, The Summer Screencast Series


  1. NHibernate. Ha. Put this one back in the freetard's broken toy box and just use LINQ (or entity framework if you want that level of mess).

  2. @brad...

    EF is a broken implementation at the moment (just Google Entity Framework no-confidence for info on that).

    LINQ != ORM. NHibernate (and many other ORMs) provide a significantly greater feature set than simple querying.

    Posting out of ignorance simply proves what you do not know. Maybe next time you could think beyond your initial reaction?


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