Thursday, August 28, 2008

Using Windows Server 2008 as your workstation – The Manual

Convert your Windows Server 2008 to a Workstation! 

“This manual will help you to install Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and to configure your pc so you can use it as a workstation. Thanks to DAz999, you can also download the full manual as a 6MB pdf file from here! You can use the Windows Server 2008 Workstation Converter made by sawo if you want to automate the whole process. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to post your question on the forums.  You can view screenshots of my final Windows Server 2008 workstation here.

If you are still not convinced why to use Windows Server 2008 as your workstation OS, read this article, and you will be installing Windows Server 2008 right after reading it!


For those of you following me on Twitter you already know that I’m pretty darn impressed with Windows Server 2008. For those of you how aren’t, let me tell you… I’m pretty darn impressed with Windows Server 2008.

I mean, Wow!

I do not want to bash Vista, but Server 2008 is what Vista should have been (and in reality, is, since they share share a kernel, etc). Windows Server 2008 gives me a great deal of hope about Windows 7. If Windows 7 can be/is Server 2008++, with added goodness, performance, etc, yet focused on the end-user/consumer, then it will simply rock.

In any case, after playing with Win2k8 for the past week, I have to say… well I’m loving it (gee, can you tell?  ;)

After tweeting on it a bit, Mickey @’d the above URL on how to turn Win2k8 Server into a “workstation”. This is a bit of information that I’m sure I’m going to want to get at and use in the future (both near and distant). If you’re thinking about Windows Server 2008 and about using it as your desktop/workstation, then this guide might come in handy for you.

(via tweet from Mickey Gousset)

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