Monday, September 08, 2008

CodeTextBox – Syntax highlighting, intellisense all in a simple package

CodeProject - CodeTextBox - another RichTextBox control with syntax highlightning and intellisense


I needed a script-editor control for one of my projects - with syntax highlightning and intellisense for more comfort.
I did a search on CodeProject and Google, but haven't found any - just separate solutions for one of the two functions... The one I found with both syntax highlightning and intellisense just wasn't flexible enough for me, because it could be used only for C#, and only could handle classes (intellisense popped up after pressing the . key). As I wanted to use this mostly for LUA, this simly wasn't enough. I decided to use this control as a sampe, and write my own, flexible one. …”

I thought this was a neat project, one that I think I could use at some point. It’s simple and easy with everything controlled via properties.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, This would be a VERY helpful object for c#. Can you tell me how to get this to work in VS 2008 or alternatively what IDE's I can use with this.

    Thanks and regards


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