Friday, September 19, 2008

Free as in eBook - “The Definitive Guide to Building a Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure” (Reg-ware)

Realtime Nexus - The Definitive Guide to Building a Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure

“…You’ll learn about the features of Server 2008 that should be implemented as soon as possible.  At the same time, you’ll come away with an understanding of those where you might want to steer clear, or merely put on the back-burner for a little while.  

Whether you are interested in Server Manager, Active Directory, Storage Management, Server Core, Group Policy, Terminal Services, Security, or High Availability and Clustering, The Definitive Guide to Building Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure is your resource for understanding the value of Server 2008 and getting it implemented into your infrastructure in the best way possible.  This guide uses plain English and plenty of real-world examples to show you the steps necessary to get it up and running as well as the best ways to manage it over the long term.

Access to this expert publication is offered at no charge to readers. Available chapters may be downloaded in PDF format.”

Chapters 1-7 (of 9) are currently available, either as single chapter PDF’s or in one combined PDF (184 pages)

(via Yet Another Blog - by Jean-Hubert TALY - Free Windows Server 2008 eBook! [French / English])

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