Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monitor your SQL Servers on the Cheap (with source too)

CodePlex - SqlMonitoring Tool

“The SqlMonitoring tool makes it possible to monitor SQL 2000, 2005, 2008 environments and send alerts to a central database (SQL 2008). A client can be used to view the alerts en perform actions on them. This tool is a good alternative if you do not have the budget or infrastructure for tools like SCOM.

Sql Monitoring FAQ

This tool was designed to be an open source alternative for tools like SCOM 2007 and BMC Patrol. The tool also focusses primarly on SQL Server.



How many SQL Monitoring utilities have we made, purchased, etc? Yeah, tons, me too. Well here’s one, a finalist in the SQL Hero’s competition, where since we have the source maybe we won’t have to reinvent this wheel again? (okay… a guy can dream can’t he? ;)

Even if it’s not 100% what you need, the price is right and since you’ve got the code you can help make it match.

(via SQL Heroes - And in this corner... we have SqlMonitoring Tool.)

1 comment:

  1. Final para - "write" should be right :-)


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