Tuesday, September 09, 2008

OpenXML PowerTools updated – Cell your Excel via PowerShell

Johann Granados - New SpreadSheetML cmdlets at Power Tools for Open Xml

“I have recently added the following new cmdlets to Power Tools for Open Xml for working with SpreadSheetML documents:

Cmdlet  Description

Add-OpenXmlSpreadSheetTable  Adds a new table to a worksheet

Set-OpenXmlSpreadSheetCellValue Sets a value for a cell (or cell range) in a worksheet

Set-OpenXmlSpreadSheetCellType Sets a Cell Style for a cell (or cell range) in a worksheet

Set-OpenXmlSpreadSheetColumnWidth Sets the width for a column (or column range) in a worksheet

And finally, because a sample worth more than thousand words here is a script showing how to use the previously described cmdlets. Enjoy them!!!!”

CodePlex - PowerTools for Open XML

“Combining the technologies of PowerShell and Open XML is a powerful and convenient way to do server-side document processing. The PowerTools for Open XML are sample source code and guidance for developers showing how to build PowerShell cmdlets that can create and modify Open XML documents. Also included are a number of examples of PowerShell scripts that use the cmdlets.

To install and use the PowerTools for Open XML:


Incase you need to poke data into your XlsX via PowerShell… (Just a reminder that the C# source for these cmdlets is available too  ;)

(via Eric White - New Spreadsheet cmdlets for PowerTools for Open XML)


Related Past Post XRef:
Powering into OpenXML with PowerShell

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