Wednesday, September 24, 2008

PDC2008 – This year’s “Goods” will be provided on a free 160GB USB HD.

PDC Team Blog - PDC2008 Comes Complete with a Hard Drive Chock Full o’Bits-a PDC Attendee’s Dream Come True!

Countdown to PDC2008:  Maybe we’ve been a little too tight lipped about what we’re going to announce at the PDC this year. …What news will we have around the Live Mesh application platform and associated services?  What about the future of the client platform, including .NET and Silverlight?  And how is our services platform relevant to enterprises and ISVs who cater to enterprises?  And what about Windows 7?!?  Watch this video and get some really big clues. 

Plus……we’re announcing the very special gift that all PDC attendees will receive:  a 160gb external USB2 hard drive with all of the bits!  Geek alert, geek alert.  Could “The Goods” get any cooler?  They just did!”

Okay, getting “The Goods” on a 160GB USB HD is pretty darn cool. Not as cool as if they were to give everyone a Zune 120 with the videos of the conference already on them (or a subscription to special podcast that will catch the videos as they are ready) plus a means to treat the Zune as a HD, but still it’s pretty close!

With that much room I’m hoping for complete virtual machines we can run right off that HD. How cool would it be to plug that HD in and Windows 7 VM is just a double click away? That would be fricken officially cool! (Come on… it could happen… It could! :)


  1. We can do the RSS feed with videos as they are ready without any real trouble. All the PDC 2008 session videos are going up onto Channel 9 as quickly as they can be properly encoded

  2. Nice! And all those bad things I say about Channel 9, I'll have to take them all back... Oh wait, I never say anything but good things about Channel 9 (and team). Okay, I owe you one... lol ;)

    Is the already existing PDC tag going to be used or a new show/tag?


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