Saturday, October 11, 2008

[.Net 4.0]: Get your Parallel Extensions here… All baked in and part of the Core…. Get your Task Parallel Library here…

Parallel Programming with .NET - Parallel Programming and the .NET Framework 4.0


Some phrases are likely jumping out at you by this point.  “Task Parallel Library”. “PLINQ”. “The Next Version”. So...

Parallel Extensions will indeed be a part of the .NET Framework 4.0.  Not only will it be a part of it, it will be a core part of it.  In Soma’s blog post announcing the next wave, he cites the following as key focuses for the release:

•    Significantly improve the core pillars of the developer experience
•    Support for the latest platforms spanning the client, web, server, services and devices
•    Targeted and simplified developer experiences for different application types

Parallelism is relevant to all of these.  So in the .NET Framework 4.0, you’ll find the Task Parallel Library at the heart of the Framework in mscorlib.dll.  You’ll find PLINQ sitting in System.Core.dll right alongside LINQ-to-Objects.  And you’ll find new coordination and synchronization data types spread across various DLLs, enabling not only your applications, but the .NET Framework itself.


Wow, that’s huge news. That’s great that it will be baked into framework, that where every .Net 4 is, TPL, PLinq will be there too. Also the fact that since it is there, it seems that it will be used throughout the framework. I know I need all the help I can get to take advantage of all the processing cores in my systems… This is coming at just about the right time (My WAG is a late 2009 RTM for VS 2010/.Net 4..)

Also the fact the .Net 4 will support multiple Framework version in-process side-by-side means it should be even easier to take advantage of it.

PDC 2008 - Microsoft .NET Framework: CLR Futures

“Learn about the new features in the next major version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR) from the people building it. Hear about support for in-process side-by-side CLR version support. [GD: Emphasis added] Get a look at development improvements including code contracts and tools, mini dump debugging in Visual Studio, and enhanced base class libraries including BigInteger, tuples, and trees. Learn how improvements to the GC allow for greater scalability for multiple processors and much more!”


.Net 4 is really shaping up to be an outstanding v3… (As I see it, v1 was 1, v2 was 2, v3.0 was really v2+Extra Stuff, v3.5 was really v2.5 or v2.9. .Net 4 is shaping up to be a major, watershed release… )

(via The Moth - Parallel Extensions are part of the .NET Framework 4.0)

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