Sunday, October 26, 2008

PDC “The Goods” (i.e. Win7, VSTS2010 beta, etc) coming on Tuesday, at 1pm (PDT)

In going through my PDC materials it seems that the The Goods will not be released until on Tuesday, after 1PM PDT.

The good news is that we’ll be getting some VPC's (yeah!). So on Tuesday @ 1:05pm we can be playing with .Net 4, Oslo and Dublin. No word yet on how we’ll get the Win7 bits (but I’m REALLY hoping for a Win7 VPC and an installable image)


Second note: There are Zune’s customized with VSTS logo’s floating around (Brian A. Randall, who’s Pre-con session I’m in, is giving one away… :) I’ll try to get a picture of it today…


Related Past Post XRef:
PDC2008 – This year’s “Goods” will be provided on a free 160GB USB HD.

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