Sunday, July 19, 2009

Don’t think Los Angeles has a “Development Community?” …wrong answer… Here are 31 Microsoft development related user groups in the Greater Los Angeles area

Contagious Curiosity - SoCalDevGal says can you name all of the SoCal User Groups?



The SoCalDevGal has put together this cool list of local, to the Greater Los Angeles area, Microsoft development related user groups. I knew we had some but not THIS many. Wow.

Make sure you catch the weekly calendar at the bottom. So no more excuses there’s nothing dev-geek to do! (cough… note to self: See that Greg, no more excuses! Get off your butt and go to some of these, you non-social dork!… cough… ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I wish we had that many!

    Right now, the closest .NET user group is in a town >3 hours away - but next month is the first meeting of a new one much, much closer! Yay!

    It does get lonely sometimes in Northern Michigan. :)


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