Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Help managing your home energy usage - Microsoft Holm

Microsoft Holm


Microsoft Holm Community Blog - Introduction to Microsoft Hohm

What is Microsoft Hohm?

Microsoft Hohm is a free online beta application that helps you save energy and money. With Microsoft Hohm you can better understand your home energy usage, get recommendations to conserve energy and start saving. As with any recommendation engine, Hohm will provide increasingly more accurate and relevant suggestions for energy conservation as its users contribute home energy input and feedback. One of the objectives during our beta period is to refine our tool and further increase the value our product can offer to you.

Microsoft Hohm uses advanced analytics licensed from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Department of Energy to give you personalized energy saving recommendations. These recommendations are tailored based on your specific household circumstances including home attributes and use of appliances and systems…

How does Microsoft Hohm work?

After signing up for Microsoft Hohm with your Windows Live ID and postal code, you simply enter some information about your home (e.g., occupants, appliances and systems) and receive your energy report with personalized recommendations. The more information you provide, the more accurate and relevant the recommendations will be. As a default, Hohm will base its recommendations on local and national averages.

Alternatively, if you are a customer of a Hohm-partnered utility company you can choose to automatically upload your energy usage data into the application in the near future.


I don’t know about you, but every time I look at my energy bills I think that I have to start working on getting them lower. One way that should work well for us is solar panels (with a South facing house/roof with little tree coverage in Sothern California solar panels are almost a no brainer). But before solar I need to first seal the house better, replace appliances, etc (in order to “right provide” my solar panels).

Anyway, having just paid my electric bill last night when I saw this site I felt a call to action and a need to share…

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried to simply enter some information about your home (e.g., occupants, appliances and systems) and received your energy report with personalized recommendations??? I tried and could never get through it...way too many questions!!!


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