Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Need a new résumé look? Graphic’ize it…

The Portfolio.of Michael Anderson - Résumé / Infographics


There are many ways of displaying information, as the info aesthetics blog shows, some are just lovely. Well, in that spirit, I decided to update my résumé with a different perspective on the typical time-line theme. This is just concept art, as there are almost no real metrics represented except for time. There is no energy expenditure unit of measure, nor tics to delineate percentage or otherwise. In the fun multi-variable intake / output chart, there should be unique units per each (and a few are almost unquantifiable).


What a cool way to jazz up a résumé. While I’d not replace my entire résumé with this, using this on the top half of the first page seems viable. As a hiring manager I know if I saw something like this it would draw me into spending more time reviewing the résumé (getting that eyeball-time can be 9/10’ths of the battle).

(via Robert's space - Using an infographic for your resume!?)


  1. Graphic resumes may look good, but the problem is that they will be not easy to search on.


  2. Yep... That's why I wouldn't replace my entire resume with it... I'd still include all the content on the image as text in the resume. I'd just start off the resume with the image to jazz it up and catch the eye...

  3. I was thinking about the exact same thing. Now is there a web service already to allow customers to present their resume like this and save it or should that be developed. Would be a cool service... maybe i should try to implement it on GAE :)


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