Saturday, August 01, 2009

Standing up to say, “Installing Security Patches != Install New App’s” – Just say Yes to “Security Updates should only offer Security Updates”

THE OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE SBS "DIVA" - Patchers Demand Security Updates Only

“Spread the word.  If you want to put in your blog site a campaign to showcase that you too are sick and tired of prechecking of software installers that are included in security updates. 

Put this code below into your blog site (in Community Server it's in the News section) to showcase that you have had it with vendors that are sneaking software onto consumer machines in the guise of security updates.

=====start here=====
<a href=""><img src="" alt="[Security updates should only offer Security updates]" title="Let&#39;s get vendors to stop offering toolbars and extra software with Security Updates" border="0" /><br /><br />
=====stop here=====

It will resolve into that red banned check logo you now see on the left side of the blog and point to Steve Wechsler's campaign to stop vendors from doing this.


The Clippings of Chairman Mow - Hey, Software "Vendors", Stop installing CRAP with your security updates !!!

“A notice appears on your PC about an update for Adobe Flash Player. Adobe, in their infinite wisdom, doesn't inform Users why this update has come out.

The User, thinking that it improves the Flash Player, hurries to install it, clicking quickly through the installation pages.
When the update is done, guess what ? There's another toolbar installed to Internet Explorer !!!

In the US, it will likely be either a Yahoo or Google tool bar.

Lord knows which tool bar Users in other regions find installed.

Or, there's an update to Sun Java. Again, there's no explanation about why there's an update. Once more, the beaten down weary from constant updating User doesn't notice that Sun is also offering a tool bar, which in the US is probably the MSN tool bar. European Users will likely have other crappy tool bars stuffed on to their systems.

Now, why are these "vendors" allowed to install 3rd party tool bars along with .... wait ... wait ... wait some more ...

One Pissed Off User Who Refuses To Take It Anymow !!!”

I HATE it when installing a security update, the “update” also wants to install new app X, Y or Z. I’ve bitched about this before, and am doing so again.

If you, vendors, feel you MUST include other crap stuff in your “security updates” at least have the decency to uncheck it by default! GRRR!!! Every time I install a “security update” and I have to uncheck a bunch of crap stuff it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and a feeling of dislike toward that company. It just smells bad, you know?

Look, I’m already pissed off that I have to apply this security patch for your software anyway… Now I also have to have to be careful to that I, or my family, don’t install MORE of your stuff, stuff that if I wanted I’d already have?

Yes, I know no code is prefect. Believe me I KNOW! And security updates are a fact of life and I appreciate that you are patching your software, but please just patch the software! Don’t “offer” other crap stuff with the patch.

Say it with me, “Security Updates should only offer Security Updates!”

[Security updates should only offer Security updates]

Is that really so much to ask?

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