Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11-2001 – Never Forget

Never forget my friends, never forget…


  1. Greg, thank you very much for ignoring "political incorrect" comments... You are going away from my RSS... PS: don't forget to apply doublething after deleting this comment, too...

  2. If you had the courage to not be "Anonymous" when making your comments and were somewhat on topic then I might not have rejected them...

    Also please refer to my Comment Policies on the left.

    Anyway, have a nice life... See Ya!


NOTE: Anonymous Commenting has been turned off for a while... The comment spammers are just killing me...

ALL comments are moderated. I will review every comment before it will appear on the blog.

Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...

I reserve, and will use, the right to not approve ANY comment for ANY reason. I will not usually, but if it's off topic, spam (or even close to spam-like), inflammatory, mean, etc, etc, well... then...

Please see my comment policy for more information if you are interested.


PS. I am proactively moderating comments. Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...