Friday, October 23, 2009

eBook of the Day(s) - 31 Days of Refactoring

Sean Chambers31 Days of Refactoring eBook

“Back in August I did the 31 Days of Refactoring blog series. Fellow LosTechies as well as other community members urged me to convert the series into an eBook. I had intended to (really!), but Simone Chiaretta beat me to it and took it upon himself to create the series into an eBook perfectly formatted and threw in some nice styling.

On that note, and a HUGE thanks to Simone for doing this task, you can find the link to the eBook below. I'm sure I'll format things or may have missed some spelling errors so if you find anything please let me know. Again, huge thanks to Simone for doing this in his spare time. The community thanks you very much as do I.

…” [GD: Post Leached in Full, click through for the PDF download link]

From the PDF:


Refactoring is an integral part of continually improving your code while it moves forward through time. Without refactoring you accrue technical debt, forget what portions of code do and create code that is resistant to any form of testing. It is an easy concept to get started with and opens the door to much better practices such as unit testing, shared code ownership and more reliable, bug-free code in general.

Because of the importance of refactoring, throughout the month of August I will be describing one refactoring a day for the 31 days of August. Before I begin, let me prefix this series with the fact that I am not claiming ownership of the refactorings I will describe, although I will try to bring some additional description and perhaps some discussion around each. I have chosen not to list the full set of refactorings on this first post until I actually post the refactoring. So as the month progresses I will update this post with links to each of the refactorings.

First on the list is credit where it is due. The majority of these refactorings can be found, some are from Code Complete 2nd Edition and others are refactorings that I find myself doing often and from various other places on the interwebs. I don’t think its important to note on each refactoring where it came from, as you can find refactorings of similar names found on various blogs and articles online.

On that note, I will be publishing the first post starting tomorrow that begins the 31 day marathon of various refactorings. I hope you all enjoy and learn something from the refactorings!



(via .Net DZone - 31 Days of Refactoring eBook)

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