Friday, October 16, 2009

One step toward becoming a Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcut Ninja – ShortcutVisualizer Visual Studio Addin

Visual Studio GalleryShortcutVisualizer

“ShortcutVisualizer, visualize your Visual Studio commands.

Allows you to search for Visual Studio commands on the fly while pressing any or combination of the key modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl).

It provides a way to learn the Visual Studio shortcuts as you code.


I’m not near the VS keyboard ninja that I’d like to be. All to often I’m grabbing the mouse where I know there’s a shortcut but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is…

Once you install it, fire up Visual Studio and press and hold the Shift, Alt, Ctrl (or Shift+Ctrl, etc) keys and the Shortcut Visualizer will list all the shortcuts that match.

It’s a simple addin, but still kind of cool…

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