Saturday, November 21, 2009

“Threesome: Me, My Wife and My Blog”

The Blog Herald - Threesome: Me, My Wife and My Blog – Part 1

“Who is she?” my wife questioned.

We’ve had this conversation a dozen times.

“No one, babe. I’m just working on my blog.”

“You LIVE on that computer.”

Cue dramatic exit.

If this sounds familiar, the you too are looking for ways to justify all that time you spend blogging to your significant other. Here’s how…

That SO sounds like a daily conversation at the Duncan house… LOL

The important thing is that I try to remember is that while your spouse, significant other, life partner, co-kid coach, etc is indeed a partner. They may not understand the content or purpose of your blog, but they understand that it takes you away from them. So involving them in your blog or blogging, making them part of the process, or sharing your successes with them can take your blog from a “you” thing to an “us” thing…

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