Wednesday, December 09, 2009

PDC09 Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp videos now online and available

PDC09 What’s Happening - Watch the Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp Online

“Did you miss the Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp at PDC09?  We’ve got you covered – now you can watch it online!

Top Windows 7 engineers Mark Russinovich, Landy Wang, and Arun Kishan lead a full-day session covering:

(1) Kernel and architectural improvements, (2) new shell integration points: taskbar, libraries and search, and (3) applied tips for getting the most out of today’s hardware with the sensor & location platform, multitouch, and the new graphics libraries (Direct2D, DirectX 11) that take advantage of the GPU.


Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp


Good to see the PDC09 workshop videos coming online…

The PDC09 Day 0/Workshop content, the slides and such, were posted yesterday. Check out this post, “Workshop Presentation Content Now Available”, for details on that.

I’ll update my PDC09 Session Video List  post later tonight or tomorrow with both the content links and these Win7 Boot Camp videos (the day is broken into 4 videos)


Related Past Post XRef:
There are still seats available for the free Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp being held Nov 16th in Los Angeles
Free Windows 7 Developer Boot Camp at PDC09 (yes, free for attendees AND non-PDC attendees, space is limited)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I really wanted to go to this, but couldn't. I was disappointed when it wasn't on the PDC videos list. But now it is!

    Good find.


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