Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Throw away those USB Electric plug-in adapters? - “How to Quickly Convert a Wall Outlet Into a USB Charger”

Gizmodo - How to Quickly Convert a Wall Outlet Into a USB Charger


I can't tell you how many times we have come across USB chargers that can be plugged into an outlet, so why not cut out the middleman and simply convert the outlet to USB? Instructables shows you how.

Not only that, the guy behind the hack claims it can be done in 30 minutes on a budget as small as $10. In a nutshell, he just inserted two apple mini usb plugs into the outlets and tucked them back in the wall, …”

Some things make so much sense when you see them… Just remember you’re possibly playing with fire here and you might want to wait until there’s an “official” and tested productized like item.

Still I want something like this…


  1. There is now an retail version of this.


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