Friday, July 16, 2010

Think Notepad only opens files? Nope! File/Open a HTTP URL (and get the HTML response) in Notepad…

Just learned this today via - Quick Tip – Troubleshoot broken OData response using Notepad

Did you know you can “open” a URL in Notepad?



I’ve confirmed this works on both Windows XP (SP3) and Windows 7.

That’s pretty cool… :)


  1. It apparently works with ANY Windows-application. I think it's the OpenFileDialog that downloads the URL to a temporary file and passes the path of that temporary file to the application.

  2. It works... great... thanks...

  3. As a corollary of Tommy Carlier's theorem, it also works in Notepad++!

  4. This is a great tip. I use UltraEdit and it works there too! I never knew about this, thanks!

  5. hmm..pretty cool, thanks.


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