Monday, November 01, 2010

ADO Guidance Map, the link-o-licious PDF

J.D. Meier's Blog - ADO.NET Developer Guidance Map

“If you’re interested in Microsoft data access (ADO.NET, Entity Framework, etc.), this map is for you.   Microsoft has an extensive collection of developer guidance available in the form of Code Samples, How Tos, Videos, and Training.  The challenge is -- how do you find all of the various content collections? … and part of that challenge is knowing *exactly* where to look.  This is where the map comes in.  It helps you find your way around the online jungle and gives you short-cuts to the treasure troves of available content.

The Windows ADO.NET Developer Guidance Map helps you kill a few birds with one stone:

  1. It show you the key sources of data access content and where to look (“teach you how to fish”)
  2. It gives you an index of the main content collections (Code Samples, How Tos, Videos, and Training)
  3. You can also use the map as a model for creating your own map of developer guidance.

Contents at a Glance

  • Introduction
  • Sources of Data Access Developer Guidance
  • Topics and Features Map (a “Lens” for Finding ADO.NET Content)
  • Summary Table of Topics
  • How The Map is Organized (Organizing the “Content Collections”)
  • Getting Started
  • Architecture and Design
  • Code Samples
  • How Tos
  • Videos
  • Training


Now that’s allot of links… ;)

Needs a HTML5 (or… cough… Silverlight… cough) front end. Better yet, an OData feed where we can plop our own pretty UI on… :)

Also check out;


Related Past Post XRef:
Hubs, Maps and Scenarios [Oh my] - New Microsoft Developer Guidance Maps from the Microsoft Connect Innovation Center

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