Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just started blogging? A seasoned pro? Just thinking about it? Here’s some lessons and tips that might help on your road to fame and fortune… (i.e. Learn from the mistakes of others…)

ProBlogger - 10 Realizations that Will Crush Your Little Heart In Your First Year of Blogging

“This post comes from someone who has made a ton of mistakes and is on her way to learn from those mistakes. You and I probably have a lot in common … after all, you’re here to learn about blogging and how to do it well and, well, I’m trying to do the same.

Being the owner and author of a blog that is in its first year of infancy, it’s been an emotional roller coaster ride—kind of like riding a car with a driver who makes you think of your impending death thanks to their inept braking skills and their random urges to switch lanes (without looking).

As a new blogger in a very crowded niche, I’ve found the year tough. It’s been tough finding my voice among so many others, producing content that is rich and teaches others a thing or two, attracting traffic that sticks (subscribers)—all while trying to establish a schedule.

Still, it helps to be prepared. Here are ten things that will crush your little heart in your first year of blogging:

Despite all these things that might have you sobbing under the blanket with a pint of scotch, hopefully you’ll realize that you should keep going. In fact, if you love what you’re blogging about, the pure thrill of having your content go viral or making your first few sales will probably have you giggling like a school girl and make you realize that it’s all worth it.

I’ve made all these mistakes and then some and I won’t be quitting any time soon! …


#10 made me laugh out loud. Oh yeah, that is SO me and my experience.

The important point is to understand WHY you are blogging. Is it for fun, professional or business? Know in your heart of hearts why you’re blogging before you start. Make sure you know what road you are walking, for if you don’t you’ll never know what direction you are going in… It’s easy to get lost if you have no idea where you want to go…

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