Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Six C# Coding Guidelines from Microsoft and beyond…

amazedsaint's #tech journal - Top 6 Coding Standards & Guideline Documents For C#/.NET Developers

“Some time back, I collated a list of 7 Must Read, Free EBooks for .NET Developers, and a lot of people found it useful. So, I thought about putting together my “Top 6” list of Coding Standard guidelines/checklists for .NET /C# developers as well.

As you may already know, it is easy to come up with a document - the key is in implementing these standards in your organization, through methods like internal trainings, Peer Reviews, Check in policies, Automated code review tools etc. You can have a look at FxCop and/or StyleCop for automating the review process to some extent, and can customize the rules based on your requirements.

Anyway, here is a list of some good Coding Standard Documents. They are useful not just from a review perspective - going through these documents can definitely help you and me to iron out few hidden glitches we might have in the programming portion of our brain. So, here we go, the listing is not in any specific order.

[GD: Click through for the download links]

1 – IDesign C# Coding Standards

2 – Encodo C# Handbook

3 – Microsoft Framework Design Guidelines

4 – Denni’s C# Coding Standards document

5 – Brad’s Quick Post on Microsoft Internal Coding Guidelines

6 – Mike’s C# Coding Style Guide


Some interesting coding guidelines, standards, etc that I’ve not seen before…


Related Past Post XRef:
Three languages, tons of technologies, continual additions, all source: The Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework (think “An Official Boat Load of Code Samples!”) (Added bonus “How can I on earth write a managed shell extension” with .Net 4 sample)
VB.NET Coding Guidelines from AddressOf.com
WCF Coding Standard from IDesign
C#/VB.Net Coding Guidelines

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