Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Three T4 Cheat sheets (General Overview, @Template Details and Examples)…

rmaclean's blog - T4 Cheat sheets!

“I’ve been spending a lot of time working on two things recently: T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) and Windows Phone 7. Part of my work around T4 included creating some cheat sheets to make it easier to get to grips with it!

There is now three posters available (High res PDF’s below or on the DRP site):

General Overview

This provides a high level overview of the various components in T4. …

@template detail

The @template directive has a lot of options and this sheet provides detail on those. …


This sheet provides usage examples of various aspects directives in T4. …

…” [GD:Click through for the download links]

Been a while since I’ve done a T4 related post…

Here’s a snap of the three PDF’s



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