Monday, November 29, 2010

“Windows Azure SDK and Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio (November 2010)” (Think PDC 2010 version… With Azure VM[Beta], VPN, Remote Desktop and more)

Microsoft Downloads - Windows Azure SDK and Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio (November 2010)

“Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio, which includes the Windows Azure SDK, extends Visual Studio 2010 to enable the creation, configuration, building, debugging, running, packaging and deployment of scalable web applications and services on Windows Azure.

VSCloudService.exe: 18.7MB
VSCloudServiceHelp.chm: 1.2MB
WindowsAzureSDK.chm: 4.1MB
WindowsAzureSDK-x64.exe: 8.8MB
WindowsAzureSDK-x86.exe: 9.0MB

Version: 1.3.11122.0038
Date Published: 11/29/2010
Language: English

New for version 1.3:

  • Virtual Machine (VM) Role (Beta):Allows you to create a custom VHD image using Windows Server 2008 R2 and host it in the cloud.
  • Remote Desktop Access: Enables connecting to individual service instances using a Remote Desktop client.
  • Full IIS Support in a Web role: Enables hosting Windows Azure web roles in a IIS hosting environment.
  • Elevated Privileges: Enables performing tasks with elevated privileges within a service instance.
  • Virtual Network (CTP): Enables support for Windows Azure Connect, which provides IP-level connectivity between on-premises and Windows Azure resources.
  • Diagnostics: Enhancements to Windows Azure Diagnostics enable collection of diagnostics data in more error conditions.
  • Networking Enhancements: Enables roles to restrict inter-role traffic, fixed ports on InputEndpoints.
  • Performance Improvement: Significant performance improvement local machine deployment.
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio also includes:
  • C# and VB Project creation support for creating a Windows Azure Cloud application solution with multiple roles.


Play with all the cool new Azure stuff introduced at PDC 2010…

Make sure you read the entire download page as there’s a number of items and hotfixes you need to install to make this all work.


Related Past Post XRef:
“Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.2 (June 2010)” released – Think TechEd US 2010 Release (Azure support for VS2010 RTM, .Net 4, Cloud Storage Explorer, integrated deployment, service monitoring and IntelliTrace)
Azure SDK 1.1, Azure Tools for VS 2008/VS 2010(RC) 1.1 released and Azure Drive Beta

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