Monday, November 08, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Dev - Your directions to coolness with the “Educational Roadmap”. [Phase 2:Performance - Part Two Samples now available]

XNA Game Studio Team Blog - New Developer Education for WP7 Games Today on App Hub

“Today, as part of the Create Games for Windows Phone 7 Educational Series on App Hub, we’re proud to announce the launch of nine brand-new educational items to make your Windows Phone 7 games even better.

Check out the Educational Roadmap to download these and other great educational items. Here’s what you’ll find there


app hub ( - education roadmap


These samples require XNA Game Studio 4.0 and the Windows Phone Developer Tools to run. A phone is not required…

Phase 1:

Get introduced to Windows Phone 7, and phone game development with XNA Game Studio.

This set of educational content is for all skill levels and phases of development, with a focus on introducing basic game techniques – such as input, graphics, and sound – to developers interested in making games on Windows Phone 7 using XNA Game Studio 4.0

Phase 2:

Learn how to get the most out of Windows Phone 7 and XNA Game Studio with optimization tips and tricks.

Phase 3:
Polish [GD: Coming soon]

Take your game across the finish line with best practices and extras that make the most of Windows Phone 7.


Some pretty interesting samples and projects. I’m “how did they do that… [look at the code]… ah… I can do something like…” kind of guy so these kinds of resources simply call out to me. :)

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