Friday, December 17, 2010

10 ways to reduce technical/code related tutorial, video, whitepaper, presentation and training… um… suckage…

Jesse Liberty - Ten Requirements For Tutorials, Videos, Demos and White Papers That Don’t Suck

“I read a lot of tutorials, and most of them suck.

Sorry, but they do; they almost tell you what you need to know and then you are left hanging; with your code not quite working and you can’t figure out why.

It is time to write down some best practices for writing tutorials; then once the list is complete, you can email a link to the list to the author of the next tutorial you read that sucks.

This is a first attempt; finalizing it will be up to you helping me get it right.


Jesse provides some great advice and suggestions in this post. If you’re writing training materials, demos, tutorials, etc PLEASE read it…

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