Monday, December 13, 2010

“Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows Phone 7” Refcard

DZone Refcardz - Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7 is a new platform bringing together developers from the .NET, Silverlight and XNA eco-systems into the mobile development arena. This DZone Refcard combines reference information and tips for developing and publishing a Silverlight application for the platform using Visual Studio.


5 1/2 page guide to get you kick started in your WP7 development efforts…


Related Past Post XRef:
“Creating High Performance Silverlight Applications for Windows Phone” - 1 zip, 6 samples and 26 pages

VB for WP7 RTW - SilverLight projects only, still no XNA, Expression support

Microsoft Patterns & Practices “Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide” RTW
Windows Phone 7 Dev for Beginners… And we’re talking absolute, new to development/programming, just learned to spell IDE, beginners
A one-stop-dev-shop for WP7 Dev, the “Windows Phone 7 Development Best Practices” wiki.
Windows Phone 7 Dev - Your directions to coolness with the “Educational Roadmap”. [Phase 2:Performance - Part Two Samples now available]
12 for 7 - The 12 Windows Phone 7 Development Jump Start sessions are now available on demand (we’re talking 600’ish minutes, yeah, 10 hours, of WP7 Dev’ness)
Windows Phone 7 Jump Start–Four free three hour (12 hours total) virtual sessions to jumpstart your WinPhone7 development (Space is limited)
Windows Phone 7 in 7 – Learning how to develop for Windows Phone 7, in 7 minute blocks… [Coming soon, starting April 5th]

Windows Phone Developer Training Kit, now April and VS2010 RTM Fresh…

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