Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A “Hello [NuGet] World”

Coffee Driven Developer - Creating a NuGet Package

NuGet is a package manager for .NET that was recently released by Microsoft as a CTP. This library is similar to gems or cpan or similar libraries in other languages. I decided to try my hand at creating a HelloWorld package.

Conclusion: Piece of cake and terribly useful for consumers of your library.


I dig it when people share their initial experiences with a new product/technology/library/etc. The sharing of their learning, experiences, trials and errors means I can hopefully find new ways to fail at the learning of that new thing (err… I mean… have my own a new ‘learning experiences’… yeah… that… ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
NuPack = NuGet (Think “A New way to Get libraries”)

I “Nu” I needed you… NuPack v1 Developer Preview/CTP 1 Released (Think, “Where have you been all my dev life… finally an package management system/installer for .Net”)

SQL Compact 4.0 CTP + NuPack = Painless project package plus’age
One man’s debugging tale - How he hunts down a bug in NuPack, with his friends WinDbg and Reflector
New background on NuPack - A little about how it came about

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