Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa, in the form of Red Gate, has brought us a present, SQL Scripts Manager, a free SQL Server script management and execution utility…

Simple-talk - SQL Scripts Manager: An Appreciation

“SQL Scripts Manager is Simple-Talk's Christmas present to its readers. William Brewer was an enthusiastic bystander when Red Gate involved the 'Friends of Red-Gate' in helping them design and contribute towards SQL Scripts Manager, the new free tool over the past few months. Here he gives his impressions of the new tool ad explains why it is useful to him.

SQL Scripts Manager is a free application from Red Gate for managing and executing SQL scripts.  It is designed  in such a way that the best way of understanding what it does to try it out.  It comes with a library of scripts that should be useful to you right away.  You probably won't realize that those scripts that are included are there to serve a dual purpose. they are useful in themselves, but also to demonstrate what can be done with the tool.


Red Gate - SQL Scripts Manager

“SQL Scripts Manager - Free

  • Expert scripts: contains over 25 scripts written by expert DBAs, SQL Server MVPs, and Red Gate's SQL developers.
  • Accelerated scripting: streamline repeated administration and scripting tasks with quick and easy access to scripts.
  • Customize and extend: easily build custom user interfaces around any T-SQL or IronPython script.
  • Get additional scripts from the community: share scripts with your colleagues, or with the wider SQL Server community, via the SQL Server Central script wiki.

SQL Scripts Manager is a free tool that brings together must–have scripts from expert DBAs, SQL Server MVPs, and Red Gate developers to enable you to automate common troubleshooting, diagnostic, and maintenance tasks.

Over 25 scripts have been provided by nine recognized SQL Server experts, including Ola Hallengren, Phil Factor, Rodney Landrum, and Exceptional DBA Award winners Dan McClain, and Tracy Hamlin. …


Always a good day when we get free stuff from Red Gate! :)

Some snaps of the app;



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