Monday, December 20, 2010

VS2010 SP1 “Interim Fix List” (Think “Just some of the things fixed in VS2010 SP1” list)

Jason Zander's WebLog - Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Interim Fix List

“One of the most common requests from the announcement of VS2010 SP1 was for the list of fixed issues in the release.  This is something we typically publish at the final RTM of the release and will do so again for this release.  But due to popular demand the team has pulled together a preview of the issues linked from the Connect site that have been fixed so far in the release.  One important thing to note is this list is not exhaustive; there are more issues resolved in the release than just those reported through Connect.  We’ll have the final list by RTM.

Note that some teams have also published their own more exhaustive list for their areas.  Check out Brian Harry’s list for TFS and Amit Chatterjee’s list for the Test products.

Several posters wondered why we did not have the list already.  The main reason is we generally target the final RTM release to do this exercise to ensure we have everything documented (it then shows up as a KB article).  We track everything in TFS (as you would expect) so simply running a query is not an issue.  As a normal part of a release we track *everything* you could imagine from internal system issues, readme updates, EULA updates, even builds that failed due to the power outage we had 2 weeks ago in Redmond.  Clearly these aren’t interesting to publish so the list needs to be scrubbed.  Another issue is externally reported bugs often have generic titles like “{Foo} is busted” which is not very descriptive.  So we wind up going through the list to try and make it more descriptive and get it down to just the core issues you care about.

I want to say a big THANKS to everyone who has submitted feedback so far on the SP.  Your feedback is invaluable to us as we work on finalizing the release and ensuring we have a high quality release.  I continue to see a lot of feedback on performance in particular which we would like to correlate with machine configs and project types.  If you can send your performance related issues to we want to do more investigation of the issues.  I suspect some OS/machine configs may be the root of the widely varied feedback we’ve received to date.  Thanks in advance for your help on this.


Brian Harry noted in this post, VS/TFS 2010 SP1 Beta has Released, “…In all, we fixed between 800 and 1,000 bugs across all the updates that were released today – many of them reported by customers either through customer service, Connect or through automated Dr. Watson reporting. …”

Here’s a list of few of those updates/fixes…

Related Past Post XRef:
Retargeting VS2010 Unit Tests to .Net 3.5 (with VS2010 SP1)
Help for (Visual Studio) Help in VS 2010 (and VS2010 SP1)

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