Tuesday, January 25, 2011

12 Azure HD Dev videos directly to you via Zune or iTunes

US ISV Evangelism - Free Windows Azure Training on Zune & iTunes

“Thanks to the Born to Learn blog for posting the  “Building Cloud Applications using the Windows Azure Platform”.  These HD videos are a 12 session in-depth illustration on how to leverage the Cloud using the Windows Azure Platform. All of these HD-quality videos are both available on Zune and iTunes for free (also subscribe to the Zune RSS Feed ). You can watch each of these sessions here as well.

If you’re new to the Windows Azure platform you can get a no cost 30 day trail by visiting this link and using this promo code:


Zune Marketplace - Windows Azure Platform: Cloud Development Jump Start (HD Video)


Guess today is an Azure kind of day… :)

Now what would be really cool is if the Zune client on the XBox 360 supported podcasts and we could watch this there… :/


Related Past Post XRef:
“Azure for CS101” videos and course material from the Microsoft Faculty Connection

Getting “Cloud Ready” on demand - Windows Azure FireStarter event recordings now available (We’re talking 8 hours of event video…)

“Windows Azure Platform: Articles from the Trenches Volume 1” free eBook now available (Think the “We’ve been there, done that, learn from our mistakes and triumphs” Azure eBook)
“Windows Azure Architecture Guide, Part 1 – Moving Applications to the Cloud” now available as an interactive guide.
“Demystifying The Cloud – An Introduction to Cloud Computing” free ebook which includes the three popular services, Amazon, Google and Azure
From Go to Deploy, hosting your website and data on Azure “How To”
Gobs of Azure Blobs – A walkthrough for storing and retrieving blobs in Azure (in Nov 2009 CTP/V1)

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