Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Coding4Fun team has done it again, released another “Kit” that is… The Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit

CodePlex - Coding4Fun Tools

“This is where Coding4Fun will house all our cool controls and tools that we come up with!  Right now we’ve created and updated some great controls for Silverlight that should help out everyone!  If there is a bug, a needed control that could benefit everyone, or you want to help out, please reach out to us!

Current Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit:


  • About Prompt
  • Input Prompt
  • Progress Overlay
  • Round Button
  • Round Toggle Button
  • Memory Counter
  • TimeSpan Picker

Abstract Classes:


Binding Helpers:

Data Helpers:


The coding4fun team has done it again and not only released some cool Windows Phone stuff, but more importantly, given us the CODE for that cool stuff. I dig it when we don’t have to imagine how something we see is cool done when we can instead see the source for how that cool something was done…

Here’s a snap of the VS Solution running  via the WP7 Emulator on my system (which is another serious challenge for those releasing source. Code is one thing, a compiling and working solution  is something else)


Here’s a snap of the Solution


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, releasing source is scary. It’s letting the world look under your bed, into your medicine cabinet and deep into your garage. Yet, as a developer many/most of us learn best by seeing an app run and then the code. So to truly share, we must be brave enough to share the code. Okay, okay, you’ve heard me sing this song before… I’ll just finish by saying thank you to all of you who release your source to the world. Thank you for teaching me to fish… ;)

Thanks for the heads up Clint (of This Week on Channel 9 and coding4fun blog  fame, plus check out who did the source check-ins for this project… ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
CF4DevKit (Coding 4 Fun Development Kit) 1.0 Released
Cool Coding with VS2008 and Vista via the Coding4Fun Developer Kit 2008 Vol 1 (Beta)

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