Monday, January 10, 2011 gets an official API (You hear that rapid typing? That’s a ton of dev’s already pounding out the code to use it…)

Google Code - Google URL Shortener gets an API

“When we launched Google’s URL shortener externally back in September, there was no accompanying API to allow people to integrate into their applications and web pages. However, we said that we were working on one, and today we're happy to announce that we’ve launched the API in Google Code Labs. The documentation can be found on the Google Code site, with example code in the Getting Started section.

With this API, developers are able to programmatically access all of the fast, sleek goodness that we currently provide via the web interface. You can shorten and expand URLs using the API, as well as fetch your history and analytics. You could use these features for a wide variety of applications, enabling behaviors ranging from auto-shortening within Twitter or Google Buzz clients to running regular jobs that monitor your usage statistics and traffic patterns. You can check out the Google APIs console to get started.

We’re very excited to be able to offer you this API to access one of the fastest URL shorteners out there. …”

Do you smell that? There’s nothing like the smell of a new API in the morning…

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