Saturday, January 15, 2011

The PowerShell Survival Guide (Brought to you by the Microsoft TechNet wiki)

Wiki - TechNet Articles - Windows PowerShell Survival Guide

“At customer events a few years ago, we started handing out one-page "Survival Guides" (printed both sides and laminated) with links to important resources. The wiki versions of the Survival Guides are meant to do the same things without killing trees or using laminating machines.

Essential Windows PowerShell Resources

Windows PowerShell Scripts

Windows PowerShell Modules…

Fun Modules



User Groups

Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Reference Material

Windows PowerShell Third party Cmdlets


Windows PowerShell Blogs:

Whitepapers and Guides:

Additional PowerShell Resources:

Social Networking Accounts to follow:

Windows PowerShell Training


In short, if you’re looking for some PowerShell information or resources, this is good place to start…

(via Ignition Showcase - How to Survive with Windows PowerShell)


Related Past Post XRef:
How do you learn PowerShell? One bit at a time…(and with a little help from Doug Finke)
Note to Self: Learn PowerShell by using it. Do one PS thing a day…
Free PowerShell Introduction/Getting Started book from MS Switzerland
DBA’s & PowerShell? Yep, PowerShell is not just for your IT brethren, you can have PS fun too!
Want to try PowerShell? Then “Try PowerShell”
Who needs a stink’n PowerShell Owner’s Manual? (Cough… ME!... cough… ;)
PowerShell Quick Reference & Graphical Help File(chm)
Is this you? “I’m an IT Admin and I’m being told to use this PowerShell thing… What is it… Help!” Here’s a free eBook [reg-ware] just for you, “The Administrator Crash Course: Windows PowerShell v2”

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