Thursday, January 27, 2011

RocketSVN fly's to freedom. RocketSVN Server/RocketSVN for VS now free (as in free) and open sourced too!

Ship Software on Time - RocketSVN Server and RocketSVN for VS Now Free

"I’m excited to announce that we have decided to make both RocketSVN Server (Subversion Server for Windows) and RocketSVN for VS (SVN add-in for VS) 100% free. Indefinitely. For unlimited users


While we have been doing great additions to both open source projects (Ankh and Subversion), we decided it was important not to charge for the work we’ve done. We’re also happy to make the RocketSVN Server source code available on Google Code: 


So we're talking a boat load of free stuff here. a free SVN server, a free VS adding and free code...


The line up of third party projects used is pretty impressive...


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