Friday, January 07, 2011

Using Templify and NuGet to automate and share Visual Studio Solution creation

Maarten Balliauw {blog} - Tools for the lazy: Templify and NuGet

“In this blog post, I will cover two interesting tools that, when combined, can bring great value and speed at the beginning of any new software project that has to meet standards that are to be re-used for every project. The tools? Templify and NuGet.

You know the drill. Starting off with a new project usually consists of boring, repetitive tasks, often enforced by (good!) practices defined by the company you work for (or by yourself for that company). To give you an example of a project I’ve recently done:

  1. Create a new ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio
  2. Add 2 new projects: <project>.ViewModels and <project>.Controllers
  3. Do some juggling by moving classes into the right project and setting up the correct references between these projects

Maybe you are planning to use jQuery UI?

  1. Add the required JavaScript and CSS files to the project.

Oh right and what was that class you needed to work with MEF inside ASP.NET MVC? Let’s add that one as well:

  • Add the class for that
  • Add a reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition to the project

Admit it: these tasks are boring, time consuming and boring. Oh and time consuming. And boring. What if there were tools to automate a lot of this? And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT! Meet Templify and NuGet


This is the first time I’ve seen Templify. It’s definitely something I’m going to be keeping an eye open for in the future.


Related Past Post XRef:
Another way to deploy/share code and code snippets… NuGet

A “Hello [NuGet] World”
NuPack = NuGet (Think “A New way to Get libraries”)
I “Nu” I needed you… NuPack v1 Developer Preview/CTP 1 Released (Think, “Where have you been all my dev life… finally an package management system/installer for .Net”)

SQL Compact 4.0 CTP + NuPack = Painless project package plus’age
One man’s debugging tale - How he hunts down a bug in NuPack, with his friends WinDbg and Reflector
New background on NuPack - A little about how it came about

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