Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Training SQL Server Training DVD’s (or online) from Quest (reg-ware) - 12 Sessions, Two DVD’s, Zero cost…

Kevin Kline - Reminder: Totally Awesome and Totally Free Training SQL Server Training

“One of the things that I enjoy about working for Quest Software is that we give back copiously to the community. From activities and offerings like SQLServerPedia, to our free posters mailed anywhere in North America (and don't forget the free hi-res PDFs for the rest of the world),

Don't forget that free DVDs of our virtual conferences featuring me, along with Buck Woody (blog | twitter) and Brent Ozar (blog | twitter) will be mailed anywhere in North America free of charge, now available at this link. …” [GD:Post leached almost in full… But please still give Kevin some click love…]

Quest - Free SQL Server Training DVDs – Featuring Kevin Kline and Other SQL Server Gurus

“These insight-packed DVDs contain all the sessions, slide decks, and chat logs from our SQL Server training events originally presented on March 3 and July 21 of 2010.

Order a copy or view the session online today!

Disc One - March Event: SQL Server Training on DMVs
This event was originally presented live on Wednesday, March 3, 2010.
Duration: Eight sessions, 45-70 minutes each

Join Kevin Kline, Brent Ozar and Ari Weil as they present tips and tricks to help you monitor your SQL Server environment with ease. You’ll learn how to use Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) to simplify troubleshooting and significantly enhance SQL Server performance.

Disc Two - July Event: Performance Monitor and Wait Events
This event was originally presented live on Wednesday, July 21, 2010.
Duration: Four sessions, 45 - 150 minutes each

Join Kevin Kline, Buck Woody (Microsoft), Brent Ozar and Ari Weil as they reveal shortcuts that take the pain out of learning to performance tune a SQL Server database. You’ll discover the best practices to easily set up, configure, and diagnose unknown servers; save time with SQL Server wait stats; and understand PerfMon’s many counters.

Cost: FREE - Please fill out the requested information below to receive your free DVD set by mail or VIEW THEM ONLINE NOW.


DVD’s, how cute… OK, ok, so I signed up for them myself! Call me old school… ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
Free (Reg-ware) SQL Server Perfmon Counters Poster. Counters + Descriptions + “values you want to see” = Happy DBA

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