Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Humor] "Better Husband App"

Scott Adams - Better Husband App

"I wonder if you could build an app that would help husbands pretend to be thoughtful and caring. For example, one feature might automatically start every text message to your wife with "I'm sorry, honey ..."

You might think an apology is only necessary when you've done something wrong. That's how bad husbands think. Good husbands understand that there are only two possible states:

1. Already in trouble.
2. Blundering into a trap.

Let's say your wife texts you and asks you to pick up milk on the way home from work. You assume you have done nothing wrong and therefore, logically, an apology is unnecessary. Moreover, you think your wife should be thanking you for running this errand. But watch how the "I'm sorry honey" at the beginning of your text response alerts you to the trap and steers you toward the illusion of husbandly thoughtfulness. ..."

Oh my, it's the million dollar mobile app idea! Let's see, there are 116 million families in the US and at $0.99 per (since I'm sure there's at least one member of the family that could use this)... Oh yeah, that's some dough... LOL... :P


  1. Hi Greg,

    THis is not relaly related to the husband app... but i hope you can help me anyways...

    I would like to ask what photo host are you using to upload your photos as blogger only allows 1G!

    I just migrated from Windows live space to wordpress and was chking out if blogger was more userfriendly as Picasa has a nice "link" to embed the flash album. And then i found out Picasa only allows 1G! (so little!)

    I found your blog while googling "Windows live writer for wordpress" :)


  2. You know I've never worried about my cap on Picasa. It's just so easy to host my blog images there, when using WLW.

    But in the past, before Blogger supported images, I used to use Flickr (and wrote a WLW add-in to help automate the uploading and img insert into my WLW post)

    Flickr, though old and a little tired now is still one of the photo services to beat.

    If I were in your shoes, what I'd do is stick with Workpress and look to host your images/photos outside of it. Flickr, etc. There are WLW plugins that should help make that easier. Not as easy as hosting them on Wordpress, but still easier...


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