Tuesday, February 01, 2011

“Silverlight for Windows Phone” free 157 page eBook

Microsoft Feed - Free Ebook – Silverlight for Windows Phone

“Here is a Free ebook “Silverlight for Windows Phone” written by Puja Pramudya from Microsoft Innovation Center, Indonesia. This e-book is written for those who want to get to know, use, and develop applications for Windows Phone, Microsoft’s latest mobile platform. Of course, it would be naive to consider that this e-book covers the topic about Windows Phone entirely, but it can undoubtedly give you a good basic to learn.

…” [GD:Click through for the download link]



All the praises and gratitude to Allah SWT for the chance and the strength to compile and finish this e-book titled “Silverlight for Windows Phone: LEARN & PRACTICE”. It has been a enjoyable journey because Windows Phone is Microsoft’s latest mobile platform that is fascinating for end users, and for developers as well. I also like to express my gratitude to Ronald Rajagukguk, for his introduction to the community, and for being an inspiration to keep learning, and always look for opportunities of self-improvement.


  • Windows Phone Overview
  • Using Windows Phone Development Tools
  • Silverlight on Windows Phone
  • Specific Features on Windows Phone
  • Developing a Simple Windows Phone Application


This e-book is written for those who want to get to know, use, and develop applications for Windows Phone, Microsoft’s latest mobile platform. Of course, it would be naive to consider that this e-book covers the topic about Windows Phone entirely, but it can undoubtedly give you a good basic to learn. In this e-book you will not find topics that require advanced hardware supports such as multi-touch or FM, because this e-book is written based on the available emulator.

The readers are assumed to at least understand the C# programming language. Readers are also expected to have used Visual Studio. An understanding in Silverlight is also advisable.
Wise men say, “you bind knowledge by writing them”; therefore this e-book is dedicated to community members, and hopefully will be of use for us all.

Enjoy! :)



Related Past Post XRef:
“Windows Phone Programming in C#,” the Curriculum (think “Stuff to help teach Windows Phone Dev… Code, Demo’s, Pptx’s, Labs, 152 page eBook, etc”)
A Windows Phone 7 Development/Design Guidelines/Certification Requirements Cheat sheet/Checklist
“Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows Phone 7” Refcard
“Creating High Performance Silverlight Applications for Windows Phone” - 1 zip, 6 samples and 26 pages
Microsoft Patterns & Practices “Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide” RTW
Windows Phone 7 Dev for Beginners… And we’re talking absolute, new to development/programming, just learned to spell IDE, beginners
A one-stop-dev-shop for WP7 Dev, the “Windows Phone 7 Development Best Practices” wiki.
Windows Phone 7 Dev - Your directions to coolness with the “Educational Roadmap”. [Phase 2:Performance - Part Two Samples now available]
12 for 7 - The 12 Windows Phone 7 Development Jump Start sessions are now available on demand (we’re talking 600’ish minutes, yeah, 10 hours, of WP7 Dev’ness)
Windows Phone 7 Jump Start–Four free three hour (12 hours total) virtual sessions to jumpstart your WinPhone7 development (Space is limited)
Windows Phone 7 in 7 – Learning how to develop for Windows Phone 7, in 7 minute blocks… [Coming soon, starting April 5th]
Windows Phone Developer Training Kit, now April and VS2010 RTM Fresh…

New C# Yellow Book version available - Yeah, big, yellow, ebook, 197 pages, C#, free…


  1. As someone who makes spelling mistakes all the time, I shouldn't laugh...

    But once I saw what you meant, I had to laugh (in the shared pain/sympathetic sort of way... ;)


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