Monday, February 07, 2011

Using OneNote on your Open/Shared/Source Available projects (Think "Using OneNote as your wiki++")

Thursday Night  - Every Open-Source .NET Project should have its own public OneNote


This editor is on the web, so it’s accessible from any machine (regardless of browser, works great on Chrome in OS X for me), it’s free, and OneNote will sync with the web notebooks as if they were on your local machine or on a network share.

OneNote on the web means you can make your project notes public

A blog is a great place for documenting your project more formally, or for announcing things you want folks to know, but it’s also important to have a place to store ideas that aren’t yet fully formed, or you’re not committed to finishing. OneNote is good for this, but now we have a way to publish out notes; I’ve done this with ReactiveUI (though right now my notebook is pretty empty, I’m going to try to use it more).



I've recently started using a shared OneNote "For Real" to help me with my Channel 9 Coding4Fun blog posts and I have to say... I'm hooked.

It took me a bit to get the OneNote notebook setup right. I was having a problem with the synchronization that I couldn't seem to fix, but I was doing some weird, rapid and large page moves, etc. Once I settled down and started deliberately everything has been working great. I use the OneNote 2010 on my notebook, the web UI on other PC's and it all just seems to work.

This is a great tool for helping a small team coordinate notes, thoughts, links, etc.

It would be seriously cool if CodePlex were to add direct OneNote/Office support (think but on CodePlex, with CodePlex scoped security, etc.). Think wiki+++

Talk about a means to enhance team communication and collaboration. Added to my CodePlex wish list (and as CodePlex request work item 25753 :)

(via Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew - Dew Drop – February 6, 2011)

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