Wednesday, March 09, 2011

As has become his custom, Jon Galloway's VS2010 SP1 installation tips aka "If you've not installed VS2010 SP1 ReadMe.First"

Jon Galloway - Tips on installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1

"Visual Studio SP1 went up on MSDN downloads (here) on March 8, and will be released publicly on March 10 here.

Release announcements:

I started on this post with tips on installing VS2010 SP1 when I realized I’ve been writing these up for Visual Studio and .NET framework SP releases for a while (e.g. VS2008 / .NET 3.5 SP1 post, VS2005 SP1 post). Looking back the years of Visual Studio SP installs (and remembering when we’d get up to SP6 for a Visual Studio release), I’m happy to see that it just keeps getting easier. Service Packs are a lot less finicky about requiring beta software to be uninstalled, install more quickly, and are just generally a lot less scary. If I can’t have a jetpack, at least my future provided me faster, easier service packs.

Disclaimer: These tips are just general things I've picked up over the years. I don't have any inside knowledge here. If you see anything wrong, be sure to let me know in the comments. You may want to check the readme file before installing - it's short, and it's in that new-fangled HTML format.

On with the tips!


3-9-2011 5-02-42 PM..."

Jon's tips are always timely, on the money and can help you save time, effort and pwop's (that's the sound of you smacking you palm to your forehead because you've just done something... well... smack worthy... ;)

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