Saturday, March 12, 2011

A million [visits] in review...

This past week we, you and I, hit two million visits, Two million... visits... Thank you!. Today I wanted to reflect on that milestone with you and do a "million in review", a high level look at the blog traffic since we hit one million, June 6th, 2009.

The analytics I'll be sharing curtsey of Google Analytics. I've been using Site Meter longer, but Google Analytics has prettier reports :P

All in all, the entire report is very humbling...



By Country



It's pretty humbling that there's only a few countries where someone hasn't visited.

By Browser/OS




By Traffic Source


Referring Sites


Here's another chance for me to thank Chris (The Morning Brew,, Jason (Jason Haley's Interesting Finds,, Alvin (Alvin Ashcroft's Dew Drops,  Alvin Ashcroft's Dew Drops), This Week on Channel 9 crew (, The Daily Rotation ( and everyone who's submitted one of my links to a social news/answer site. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. :)



Interesting how one of my original content posts, a "hey this is something weird I found on my system and how I fixed it" posts, A story of Windows 7 and an empty All Programs (and how I fixed it) has so many more hits than the next post.

Top Visit Days

(March 23, 2010 & March 25, 2010)



Funny how one of my traffic spikes was for some database injection photo humor, Humor – Now there’s a License plate (Take that, License plate cameras!)


Lastly I'd just like to say thank you again. This blog is purely a hobby and labor of love and your comments and support help keep me going during the dark times.

Thank you, thank you, one million thank you's ...


Related Past Post XRef:
Two million... visits... Thank you!
My own countdown (well count-up) to watch... Hitting two "million..." visits this week
“One Million…” visits… Thanks!
Five Year Blog-aversary, and 500K+ Visit Milestone


  1. Awesome, 2mil. I don't think i'm close to that!

  2. Congrats Greg! And thank you for all the work you have put into it. I/We are very grateful.


NOTE: Anonymous Commenting has been turned off for a while... The comment spammers are just killing me...

ALL comments are moderated. I will review every comment before it will appear on the blog.

Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...

I reserve, and will use, the right to not approve ANY comment for ANY reason. I will not usually, but if it's off topic, spam (or even close to spam-like), inflammatory, mean, etc, etc, well... then...

Please see my comment policy for more information if you are interested.


PS. I am proactively moderating comments. Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...