Monday, March 28, 2011

Who says Astrobiology isn’t cool!? NASA says it’s cool enough that it gets its own graphic novel!

NASA Astrobiology - Astrobiology Graphic Novel

“The first issue of the Astrobiology Graphic Novel is now available! Request your copy today, or download the pdf or the mobile app! Through fantastic original artwork and a compelling storyline, the novel chronicles the origin and evolution of astrobiology itself – tracing its roots from early cave paintings, through speculations of ancient Greek philosophers on the existence of other worlds, to contributions from more modern scientists such as Huygens, Galileo, Oparin, Haldane, Miller, Urey, Franklin, Watson, Crick, and Sagan. It goes on to explain how shortly after NASA was created in 1958, the NASA Exobiology Program, a research program supporting the search for life beyond Earth, came along. It would eventually morph into the Astrobiology Program in the mid-90’s.

The novel was produced by the NASA Astrobiology Program to celebrate the 50th anniversary of astrobiology. The second issue in the series, focused on the history of Mars exploration, will be available soon.” [GD: Description leached in full. Click through for the download links…]



I’m torn between the concern that my tax dollars went to this and just a fricken cool it is… Damn you NASA!  :P

(via - NASA’s Astrobiology Program has released a graphic novel....)

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