Monday, March 21, 2011

WP7 Common Image Templates (as Paint.Net/PDN files)

Mike Ormond's Blog - Windows Phone 7 Iconography

"I don’t know about you but I find creating the various application and marketplace icons a bit of a chore. Perhaps because I’m not very gifted artistically or perhaps it’s just because there are quite a few things to remember.

I've created a set of templates to make life just a little easier and thought others might find them useful.


This is the kind of graphic/image/design stuff I'll need if/when I do my WP7 dev. For whatever reason (cough... 'cause I'm old... cough...) it takes me forever to remember image sizes for things. Having a little thing like this will be a big help.

Here's a snap of the PDN's in the zip.


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