Monday, April 04, 2011

Gladinet Cloud Desktop adds Amazon Cloud Drive support (Windows integration and syncing too)

Gladinet - Amazon Cloud Drive Windows Integration

“…This article shows how to integrate Amazon Cloud Drive into Windows as a mapped network drive letter to support the BASIC cloud storage use cases:

  • Backup local folders and files to Amazon Cloud Drive
  • Access Amazon Cloud Drive with a drive letter and drag/drop capability.
  • Sync folders and files across multiple PC, leveraging Amazon Cloud Drive
  • Integrate local applications such as MS Office with Amazon Cloud Drive
  • Connect local resources with online resources such as the Amazon Cloud Drive.

Install Gladinet Cloud Desktop and Mount Amazon Cloud Drive

The First step is to install Gladinet Cloud Desktop, which continues to support a wide variety of online storage services such as those from Microsoft, Google, Rackspace and Amazon.
Support for Amazon Cloud Drive has been added in the latest version of Gladinet Cloud Desktop. After installing version 3.2.607 or greater, the mounting virtual directory wizard will display a drop down item for Amazon Cloud Drive.


Gladinet is one of THE names you hear when cloud drive storage is mentioned…


Related Past Post XRef:
Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Cloud Player - Your 5GB free cloud storage and digital music locker (and web based player)
Mapping your SkyDrive – Windows Explorer your SkyDrive

1 comment:

  1. Now, here is a utility so I can actually use the Amazon cloud. Bonus it works with other services. Great find!!!


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