Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[Coming very soon] Visual Studio Achievements (Yes, achievement Achievements!)

Channel 9 - Visual Studio Achievements

Earn achievements while you code! With Visual Studio Achievements, your code will be monitored and, as you proceed, you will unlock various achievements based on your activity. When you unlock an achievement, Visual Studio will let you know visually with a pop-up. In addition, your Channel 9 profile will be updated with any achievements you earn. See below for the list of achievements that are part of the plug-in.

Note that the Visual Studio Achievements only works for C# and Visual Basic. Progress based achievements can only be incremented once a minute. Achievements marked with Uses FxCop only work on Visual Studio 2010 Premium or Ultimate unless FxCop is installed. Visual Studio Achievements has an API for those interested.

Download Visual Studio Achievements [GD: Nothing to actually download/install as of this moment... hence the "coming soon"]




Nice! Needless to say once the Extension is available I'll post a follow-up (and it's fair to guess that I'm going to include this in some of the other Channel 9 areas I curate... :P  )

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, with one fatal flaw. You publsihed how to get the achievement, now people will get them on purpose.


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