Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Charles Darwin’s 12 Rules of Blogging Survival"

Problogger - Charles Darwin’s 12 Rules of Blogging Survival

"This guest post is by Tom Treanor of the Business Blogging Telesummit.

Blog readers have a myriad of reading options for almost every topic you can think of. In fact, within your niche, potential customers may be enjoying blog posts written by your competitors while they ignore your blog like the plague.

So what do you do about this dire situation? Do you hire ghost writers to create more content? Do you promote your content more via social media? Do you get better at SEO so you can attract more search traffic?

Well. These may work to a degree. You may see some minor bumps with more Tweeting, Facebooking and catching more long tail keywords in Google. But, it’s a long and slow process if you’re using these brute-force tactics.

There has to be a better way. And there is.

Like Darwin’s finches, which evolved different beak sizes over the generations to better suit their differing environmental conditions and to survive, your blog has to become better suited for your audience’s needs over time. You need to develop more “evolved” blogging strategies that are more effective at differentiating your blog and attracting and keeping the readers that you target.

You don’t want your blog to end up on the wrong end of Natural Selection, do you?

Here are 12 ways for your blog to survive and thrive.



Some interesting ideas and rules... Funny how your POV impacts your thoughts on these. If you're looking to be a professional blogger, these might have more meaning than if you're just using your blog as a full text searchable remote, because your brain is getting full, memory store... :P

But no matter why you blog, it doesn't hurt to check these out. Seems silly to invest your time in your blog if you don't want it to "succeed" and all that.

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